
|||||||||||| The EZINE WRITER |||||||||||
"...Now to encourage your cat
to continue to bring gifts, unlike some guests,
be sure to yell and scream..."
ats are by nature very polite. It is not necessary to intentionaly provide much encouragement for this innate politeness to become habit.
Think about the number of times your cat has brought you a present, although you may not appreciate the dead mouse, or bird, your cat is being polite. You feed me; I will contribute to your larder. We as humans may not rate highly mouse in our diets, but cats being connoisseurs do admire the finer things in life. Now to encourage your cat to continue to bring gifts, unlike some guests, be sure to yell and scream. An occasional broom waved in their direction will ensure their cooperation. Never ever praise your cat for his donation, he will take it as a sign of displeasure and refuse to bring you any more gifts.
Your cat will always warm your chair for you. He is again being well mannered. He knows that you do not have fur to keep you warm, and does not want you to catch cold so he will warm your seat for you, and if especially generous your bed. In order to encourage this behavior, unceremoniously pick him up and toss, firmly, on the floor. Never, choose another seat, he will assume he chose the wrong one initially and will become confused and refuse to warm your chair ever again.
Most cats would love to be your personal tasters, but manners dictate that they merely sit and stare at you while you are eating your fish sandwich. The best way to encourage your cat to continue to merely stare at your lunch is to give him a taste of it. He will be pleased that you recognize the need to have a personal taste tester. He will always assume that since he looks at you as the king that your enemies have nothing better to do than poisoning you. Again this is the cats innate benevolence showing.
When cleaning the cat pan, your cat again demonstrates his refinement by scattering the litter everywhere. He knows you have to sweep the floor, and merely wants you to feel as if you have accomplished something. Do not get a covered cat pan, or place a large tray underneath, you will hurt his feelings, and he may feel so hurt he will not use the cat pan again.
Raising a polite cat is not hard; it just takes a little bit of patience and learning to understand why your cat does what he does. I hope that now you understand a little about why a cat does some common everyday things that you will now know how to deal with his consummate dignity and good manners.
This has been another useless posting from
The EZINE WRITER emagazine!
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|||||| Bradley ||||||
Grand poobah and bathroom attendant.
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KEYWORDS: #nature, #politeness, #humans, #generous, #poisoning, #cat, #manners.
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